Ara Newspaper

The book Collection

Culture is a universal right of citizens. Supporting it, defending it and promoting it is one of the best things a newspaper can do because an intelligent society is a society that will demand more and better information.

Culture is a universal right. Promoting it is one of the best things a newspaper can do because an educated society is a society that will demand more and better information.


Culture is a universal right and Ara is a newspaper that supports and defends Catalan culture, an attractive, close culture for all.


The idea was to make a collection of 20th century Catalan narrative master works. But the mission of this collection should have gone further, not just as far as the reader, but should also have operated at a social level. In this way, we thought that for each book sold, another one would be donated to a school in the city. In this way, we ensured that culture also came to new generations of society.


To make this collection more attractive to all sectors of the general public, we used a fresh design based on colours that revived what is classic, with a unique identity and easily recognizable at sales points and kiosks. We also carried out a graphic and digital campaign to communicate the importance of buying these books. In this way, we transformed essential books into unforgettable experiences.

C/ de Casp, 54,
08010 Barcelona,
Tel +34 93 706 21 60

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